
4 little known benefits of PR

4 little known benefits of PR

Growing up in London, I quickly learned that positioning matters. For example, whenever I use the tube, and I’m in an absolute rush (this is most days), I know that the right side of the escalator is for people who are happy to coast and that I should be on the left so that I can get to the trains faster. Knowing and following this unspoken rule helps everyone get to where they need to be easier (and in one piece lol). Similarly, knowing and understanding the full potential of PR can help you get to where you want to be more efficiently. As a result, when PR is done right, it can help you:

How to get your Joy Back

How to get your Joy Back

Chile, this week has been a lot!

Like seriously…

Recently, I talked about the fact that faith increases our capacity to succeed

Click here if you missed that, sis!

But did you know that you have other capacities too?

For example:

A) Mental capacity

The ability to make your own decisions

B) Emotional capacity

The ability to overcome limiting beliefs, your ease in adapting to challenging situations, and the quality of your relationships

C) Physical capacity

The ability to perform a variety of physical tasks

In the wake of such trying times, we run the risk of running low in one or more of these capacities

Which will then have knock-on effects on our ability to walk in purpose because…

As the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and this is really clearly illustrated in 2nd Kings 4:1-7

in which the woman literally took empty vessels, poured oil into them until they were full and then distributed the oil for profit.

2nd Timothy 2:21 says that we are “vessels of honour” so, like the widow did with hers, we need to make sure to fill ourselves up before we pour out to others. Here are 20 ways that I have been doing that this week:

Apart from the typical advice of praying and reading the Bible, in between, work, I have been doing one or more of the following each day:

Lessons from Esther on the difference between influence and manipulation

Lessons from Esther on the difference between influence and manipulation

Last week we talked about the importance of giving before you get when it comes to leveraging our relationships through networking

This was something that Esther did with the King by throwing him 2 wine banquets before she so much as broached the subject of saving her people. Click here if you missed that, sis

Which is known as harnessing the law of reciprocity

Here’s the thing, though…

There is a thin line between harnessing the law of reciprocity and being manipulative

Which is yet another reason that networking gets the reputation of being icky and gross

Here are some key differences between the 2:

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Matthew 21:1-9 tells the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey just before His death. In verse 8-9, we are told that when the people Jerusalem saw Him they:

“spread their clothes on the road… cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. [They also] cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!’”

The branches that the people used were from palm trees- hence the reason why we celebrate this day as “Palm Sunday”.

Often, when I’ve heard this story told from the point of view of the donkey, one of the things that’s brought up is how lucky she was to have carried Jesus (yes, according to Matthew 21:2, the donkey was female).

But, if I’m honest, when I read it I started thinking about the fact that:

  • As much as carrying Jesus could have been considered the epitome of her donkey career- He was still a weight

  • Her greatest success was also a great burden and so-

  • It costs to have a calling on your life

I was also able to extract 5 lessons that she teaches us, as modern women, about how to handle this effectively. I shared all of this and more on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Asenath on how to forgive yourself and move forward

Lessons from Asenath on how to forgive yourself and move forward

So we’ve been doing a lot of talking about Rachel and Leah in the last few weeks, haven’t we lovely? With a particular emphasis on what they teach us about how our pasts can negatively influence us with goal setting. For example, setting goals with the wrong intentions/why or making “God’s word of no effect” by holding on to “tradition”.

The past can also keep us in bondage if we refuse to forgive ourselves for past mistakes, failures or lifestyle choices so that we can become the women of God that He ordained us to be. But never fear, lovely! Asenath (Rachel’s daughter-in-law) has much to teach us about the 4 step process of forgiving ourselves and moving forward so that we can avoid all that jazz (and much more!)- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Sarah on how God reveals Himself to us (part 2)

Lessons from Sarah on how God reveals Himself to us (part 2)

So last week, lovely, we talked about 3 of the major ways that God tends to reveal Himself to us. Today, we’re diving into part 2 of that message:-

Because- here’s the thing- God’s ability to reveal Himself to us is not just dependent on His will and desire to do so. It’s actually (pretty much) dependent on us.

Yup, let that sink in!

You see, it’s great that you now know how God reveals Himself but that’s not where your responsibility ends. You also need to know how to:

  • Show that you are ready to receive His revelation in the first place

  • Encourage God to continue to communicate with you

so that you can walk worthy of your calling as the wonderful woman of God that He ordained you to be (in accordance with Ephesians 4:1)- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Noah's Female Relatives on Why Relationships are so Important

Lessons from Noah's Female Relatives on Why Relationships are so Important

This week, I found myself in the book of Genesis reading the story of Noah. As usual, though, it was the women in his life that caught my attention. (Y'all know by now how much I love studying the women of the Bible, right?)

This time, it was the women in Noah's life that peaked my interest. Namely:

  • His wife

  • His daughters-in-law

Why? Well, 3 things...

These women demonstrate:

  1. Why relationships are so important (hint- your purpose depends on them!)

  2. What the 2 key relationships are (or should be) in your life

  3. Why you need to develop your relationship with yourself in order to receive the 2 key relationships (mentioned above)

All of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from the Woman with the Issue of Blood on Biblical Affirmations

Lessons from the Woman with the Issue of Blood on Biblical Affirmations

Last week, I talked about how the story of The Woman with the Issue of Blood has hidden gems about the 2 ways in which we can subconsciously; inadvertently sabotage our own prayers.

The week before that, I talked about what The Woman with the Issue of Blood has to teach us about how our tests are actually our testimonies. 

Continuing along this route of discussing what her story has to teach us about the power of our testimonies, today I am going to be talking about what The Woman with the Issue of Blood has to teach us about the importance and use of affirmations.

Yes, I know!

In some Christian circles, the word "affirmation" can come across as taboo or having affiliations with the new age/occult- but:

  1. The Bible shares on numerous occassions about the power of our words (and it's ability to influence our lives for good or bad). As such, we need to know:

  2. How to write Biblical affirmations

  3. How to use them (in 3 simple ways)


Great! Do whatever it is that you need to do to get comfortable so you can watch and enjoy the video below.