
Why mindset is so important for PR Success

Why mindset is so important for PR Success

Just before my Wickedly Smart Women podcast interview in October I suffered a series of unfortunate events:

  • My ring light cut off

  • The lack of light messed with the brightness of the content I was trying to capture

  • I tried to compensate for this by moving my phone closer

  • Then my phone fell

  • By this time I was almost late for the interview; so I had to leave the phone and get started

You can see the live footage of this below:

Why you need to overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back from PR success

Why you need to overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back from PR success

Did you know that this year's Women's History Month theme is: "Women providing healing, promoting hope"?

Well, according to The National Women's History Alliance, it is!

In honour of that, I will be spending this month talking about healing as it relates to PR success

Because the truth is:

I can give you my whole winning formula to pitching the media so that you can get more visible, attract your ideal clients and get paid what you want, but- in the words of Lauryn Hill- "How you gone win if you ain't right within?" *In other words...

Lessons from Esther on 3 Mindset Blocks that Impact Your Visibility Efforts

Lessons from Esther on 3 Mindset Blocks that Impact Your Visibility Efforts

If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you’ll know that I don’t believe in visibility for visibility’s sake or for selfish reasons

That’s first thing’s first

I believe that visibility is a tool for making positive impact in the world and that maximum impact will require maximum visibility

Because, as stated in my post about why we shouldn’t feel bad about promoting ourselves:

  • We are called to solve problems

  • Your success, especially financially, correlates with the amount of people that you serve by solving their problems

This is just one of many mindset blocks that need to be removed to avoid self-sabotaging our own visibility efforts, though. For example…

The events of Esther’s life shows us that we also need to know the following:

Lessons from esther on how to increase your visibility by transforming your mindset

Lessons from esther on how to increase your visibility by transforming your mindset

In my previous post, I talked about Hegai (the King’s eunch’s) role in helping Esther secure the crown

Click here if you missed that, sis

But that wasn’t the main thing that made the King choose her

“So, what was?!” I hear you ask

According to Esther 2:15 and 17, it was favour
So let’s break that down

When I hear the word “favour” it immediately puts me in mind of the concept of grace


Because grace is by definition “the unmerited favour of God”

In other words…

Without the belief that:

  1. You have God’s favour

  2. He will cause people to favour you also

  3. He made you “for such a time as this”

You won’t go towards your goals or the desires that He gave you

Because we go in the direction of of our beliefs

We see that play out in Esther 4:10-11 when Esther expressed fear of going to see the king about calling off the proposed genocide of her people


We see it in modern day stats that show that women feel less at ease going for their goals by promoting themselves than men- which in turn means that they're less likely to do it.

Can you relate, sis?

What needs to be understood is that walking in God’s favour is a lifestyle that is born out of your mindset. Here are 4 tools that I use to develop it.

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on How to Dial Down Toxicity in your Life

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on How to Dial Down Toxicity in your Life

Last week we talked about Jesus’ donkey and what she teaches us about how to overcome the insecurities that keep us from getting more visible

Remember that, sis?

Today, I will give you the practical steps for how to do this

As mentioned in last week’s post, a big part of letting go of insecurity is:

  • Loosing ourselves from other people’s opinion of us

  • Emancipating ourselves from mental slavery (Bob Marley)

Because it all comes down to mindset

Simply put-

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Matthew 21:1-9 tells the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey just before His death. In verse 8-9, we are told that when the people Jerusalem saw Him they:

“spread their clothes on the road… cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. [They also] cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!’”

The branches that the people used were from palm trees- hence the reason why we celebrate this day as “Palm Sunday”.

Often, when I’ve heard this story told from the point of view of the donkey, one of the things that’s brought up is how lucky she was to have carried Jesus (yes, according to Matthew 21:2, the donkey was female).

But, if I’m honest, when I read it I started thinking about the fact that:

  • As much as carrying Jesus could have been considered the epitome of her donkey career- He was still a weight

  • Her greatest success was also a great burden and so-

  • It costs to have a calling on your life

I was also able to extract 5 lessons that she teaches us, as modern women, about how to handle this effectively. I shared all of this and more on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

How to change your mindset for success with Krysti Turznik

How to change your mindset for success with Krysti Turznik

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to change your mindset for success with none other than the amazing Krysti Turznik (of Powerful-mind.com). She also shows people how to shine light on their shadows, understand that mindset is everything, and to show up as a powerful creator in their lives so they can create a life they don’t need to escape from where every day can feel like a day at the beach. 

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Why mindset is so important

  • How to develop the kind of mindset that will help you to achieve your goals and dreams

  • How to break free of mindsets and habits that are detrimental, especially to your ultimate vision

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below: