
Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Matthew 21:1-9 tells the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey just before His death. In verse 8-9, we are told that when the people Jerusalem saw Him they:

“spread their clothes on the road… cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. [They also] cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!’”

The branches that the people used were from palm trees- hence the reason why we celebrate this day as “Palm Sunday”.

Often, when I’ve heard this story told from the point of view of the donkey, one of the things that’s brought up is how lucky she was to have carried Jesus (yes, according to Matthew 21:2, the donkey was female).

But, if I’m honest, when I read it I started thinking about the fact that:

  • As much as carrying Jesus could have been considered the epitome of her donkey career- He was still a weight

  • Her greatest success was also a great burden and so-

  • It costs to have a calling on your life

I was also able to extract 5 lessons that she teaches us, as modern women, about how to handle this effectively. I shared all of this and more on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Asenath on how to stop playing small

Lessons from Asenath on how to stop playing small

So last week, lovely, we looked at Asenath and what she has to teach us about how we can forgive ourselves and move forward. She also has loads to teach us about how to stop playing small- - all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Rebekah on How to not miss God's blessings (part 2)

Lessons from Rebekah on How to not miss God's blessings (part 2)

So last week, we began talking about 5 things that Sarah teaches us about how to ensure that we don’t miss God’s blessings. Remember that? If not, you can get all caught up here.

This week we will be talking about her daughter-in-law (Rebekah) and the 4 extra things that the events of her life can teach us on this topic, such as:

  1. Trusting God to prepare the way

  2. Being aware of the company that you keep

  3. Developing purposeful habits

  4. Saying “yes” to opportunities

All of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Sarah on how God reveals Himself to us

Lessons from Sarah on how God reveals Himself to us

Within Christian circles, we hear a lot about “letting God lead us,” “waiting for His direction” and “being led by the Holy Spirit” but, in the words of Brother Kanye-

“How, Sway?”

If you, like Kanye West, have ever wondered the same thing- as in:

  • How does God reveal Himself to us?

  • What should I be looking out for?

our girl (and spiritual mother), Sarah, has us covered once again- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Hagar on how to stop running away from your calling

Lessons from Hagar on how to stop running away from your calling

If I was to ask you about a person in the Bible who completely took off running when faced with their calling- you'd probably say Jonah, right?

But what if I told you that there was a female who:

  • Lived many years before him

  • Also tried to run from her calling

  • Therefore has much to teach us but is often overlooked due to being overshadowed by her mistress?

Well- if the title of this blog post hasn't given it away yet- there was and her name is Hagar. The events of her life help us to understand:

  • Why we run from our calling in the first place (the root cause)

  • How to stop it so that we can come out of rebellion and live up to our God-given purpose- all of which I shared in the live video below

Lessons from 30 amazing Women of the Bible

Lessons from 30 amazing Women of the Bible

This week (October 3rd to be exact) was my birthday and- it wasn't just any birthday- it was my 30th! Also, although I didn't actually make it public until late November, this month will mark a year since I started this blog with a view to:

  • Raise the profile of the contributions of the women of the Bible and how the lessons contained in these can be practically applied in our modern spiritual walks
  • Empower Christian women to fully embrace their unique identities and purpose in Christ, free of the stereotypes and traditions that can "so easily best" us

To celebrate, I am going to share my top 30 women of the Bible along with what they taught me either about Christian womanhood/femininity or life in general. So, in alphabetical order, here goes!

An Interview with Felicity Dale on Deborah

An Interview with Felicity Dale on Deborah

Today's interview feature comes from Felicity Dale of Simplychurch.com, where she writes about house churches and the role of women within the Kingdom of God. May her insights on Deborah and what we, as modern women of God, can learn from her bless you as you read.

An Interview with Victoria on Mary (the Mother of Jesus)

An Interview with Victoria on Mary (the Mother of Jesus)

Today's interview installment comes from the lovely Victoria, whose favourite woman of the Bible is Mary (the mother of Jesus). Read on to gain her deep insights into the many things that this matriarch of the faith can teach us, as modern women of God.