
How to make your pain your platform with PR

How to make your pain your platform with PR

John Maxwell once said that “we live in a culture that rewards image- often over integrity. We promote people who appear to have their act together, and encourage others to do the same”. With this in mind, it makes sense that you might be tempted to err on the side of caution when it comes to content marketing and PR by only sharing your achievements or highlight reel. However, contrary to the cultural beliefs alluded to by Maxwell, research shows that when leaders at the top of their game are transparent and vulnerable by “revealing that [they] aren’t perfect, it makes [them] more relatable” and therefore more likeable. This is known as the pratfall effect and is especially important in business because, as the old adage says, people will only do business with people that they know, like and trust.

Since PR (or Public Relations) is, by definition, action that leaders can take to promote “goodwill between [themselves] and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc,” the pratfall effect is clearly something that you will want to harness. So how can you do this? Well, as in my most recent Black Ballad article, you should create posts that:

Lessons from Esther on 3 Mindset Blocks that Impact Your Visibility Efforts

Lessons from Esther on 3 Mindset Blocks that Impact Your Visibility Efforts

If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you’ll know that I don’t believe in visibility for visibility’s sake or for selfish reasons

That’s first thing’s first

I believe that visibility is a tool for making positive impact in the world and that maximum impact will require maximum visibility

Because, as stated in my post about why we shouldn’t feel bad about promoting ourselves:

  • We are called to solve problems

  • Your success, especially financially, correlates with the amount of people that you serve by solving their problems

This is just one of many mindset blocks that need to be removed to avoid self-sabotaging our own visibility efforts, though. For example…

The events of Esther’s life shows us that we also need to know the following:

Lessons from Esther on what to do when you're feeling discouraged

Lessons from Esther on what to do when you're feeling discouraged

Last week, I talked about the fact that Esther is a popular woman of the Bible

Especially amongst the ladies that I have interviewed as guest experts within my Facebook group

This is because she used her power, privilege and position in service of her people

Reminding us as modern women that:

1. God made us for a purpose

2. We are called to solve problems

3. The problems you are called to solve will require using your gifts

4. Maximum impact will require maximum visibility

When thinking about Esther and her legacy it can be easy to forget all that it took for her to become so well renowned

For example, Esther 2:12 says that before she became queen she (and the other prospects) had to:

• Stay in the palace for a full year away from their family and friends

• Undergo beauty treatments

• Learn protocol etc

Before they even so much as a met the king, let alone got chosen to be his bride!

I say all of that to say, it can be easy to become discouraged in our own journeys

It can be easy to see what other people have achieved/are achieving and develop a mean case of comparisonitis

It can be easy to become discouraged at your (seeming) lack of progress

It can also be easy to feel things are taking too long

But Esther's story teaches us not to

In fact…

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to be used by God

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to be used by God

I almost called this post. “How to be used by God (passed Easter)” because I feel like we can find it really easy to share the gospel during festive periods such as:

  • Easter

  • Christmas and so on

But then struggle to do so when all the hype is over; in our every day lives. Can you relate, lovely?

Well, the female donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem gives us 5 simple steps to overcoming this and making it happen- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to handle the weight of glory on your life

Matthew 21:1-9 tells the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey just before His death. In verse 8-9, we are told that when the people Jerusalem saw Him they:

“spread their clothes on the road… cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. [They also] cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!’”

The branches that the people used were from palm trees- hence the reason why we celebrate this day as “Palm Sunday”.

Often, when I’ve heard this story told from the point of view of the donkey, one of the things that’s brought up is how lucky she was to have carried Jesus (yes, according to Matthew 21:2, the donkey was female).

But, if I’m honest, when I read it I started thinking about the fact that:

  • As much as carrying Jesus could have been considered the epitome of her donkey career- He was still a weight

  • Her greatest success was also a great burden and so-

  • It costs to have a calling on your life

I was also able to extract 5 lessons that she teaches us, as modern women, about how to handle this effectively. I shared all of this and more on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Asenath on how to be productive

Lessons from Asenath on how to be productive

So for the last 2 weeks, lovely, we’ve been doing a lot of talking about Asenath and what she gave birth to- particularly with regards to the significance of her first son’s name (Manasseh).

Today, we’ll be moving right along to decoding the significance of her second son’s name (Ephraim) and what she has to teach us about being productive- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Asenath on how to forgive yourself and move forward

Lessons from Asenath on how to forgive yourself and move forward

So we’ve been doing a lot of talking about Rachel and Leah in the last few weeks, haven’t we lovely? With a particular emphasis on what they teach us about how our pasts can negatively influence us with goal setting. For example, setting goals with the wrong intentions/why or making “God’s word of no effect” by holding on to “tradition”.

The past can also keep us in bondage if we refuse to forgive ourselves for past mistakes, failures or lifestyle choices so that we can become the women of God that He ordained us to be. But never fear, lovely! Asenath (Rachel’s daughter-in-law) has much to teach us about the 4 step process of forgiving ourselves and moving forward so that we can avoid all that jazz (and much more!)- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Abigail on how to let God fight your battles

Lessons from Abigail on how to let God fight your battles

So, last week we began talking about the lessons that Sarah teaches us about how to let God fight our battles. During that conversation, I talked a lot about:

  • God's role as our avenger

  • His willingness and ability to fight for us.

  • How He uses our battles for our ultimate good and so on

What I didn't do a lot of talking about, however, is our role in all of this.

Yes, lovely!

Although it's God's job to avenge us and fight our battles, this does not mean that we get to rest on our laurels and chill.

Oh no, as Hebrews 12:15 warns us, when someone hurts us "roots of bitterness" can "spring up," "cause trouble" and "defile" us. It is therefore our responsibility to do everything we can to ensure that, whilst God is fighting our battles, we are making a conscious decision to become better rather than bitter. As such, I did a follow-up message to last week's one explaining the exact steps that we must take to make this happen according to Abigail (in 1st Samuel 25).

I also talked about:

  • The why, how and when of praying for our enemies (even though it's hard and we don't want to!)

  • The common myth/misconception of "forgive and forget" and what to do instead

  • And more- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.