
Lessons from Rebekah on How to not miss God's blessings (part 2)

Lessons from Rebekah on How to not miss God's blessings (part 2)

So last week, we began talking about 5 things that Sarah teaches us about how to ensure that we don’t miss God’s blessings. Remember that? If not, you can get all caught up here.

This week we will be talking about her daughter-in-law (Rebekah) and the 4 extra things that the events of her life can teach us on this topic, such as:

  1. Trusting God to prepare the way

  2. Being aware of the company that you keep

  3. Developing purposeful habits

  4. Saying “yes” to opportunities

All of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Sarah on how God reveals Himself to us (part 2)

Lessons from Sarah on how God reveals Himself to us (part 2)

So last week, lovely, we talked about 3 of the major ways that God tends to reveal Himself to us. Today, we’re diving into part 2 of that message:-

Because- here’s the thing- God’s ability to reveal Himself to us is not just dependent on His will and desire to do so. It’s actually (pretty much) dependent on us.

Yup, let that sink in!

You see, it’s great that you now know how God reveals Himself but that’s not where your responsibility ends. You also need to know how to:

  • Show that you are ready to receive His revelation in the first place

  • Encourage God to continue to communicate with you

so that you can walk worthy of your calling as the wonderful woman of God that He ordained you to be (in accordance with Ephesians 4:1)- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Hagar on how to stop running away from your calling

Lessons from Hagar on how to stop running away from your calling

If I was to ask you about a person in the Bible who completely took off running when faced with their calling- you'd probably say Jonah, right?

But what if I told you that there was a female who:

  • Lived many years before him

  • Also tried to run from her calling

  • Therefore has much to teach us but is often overlooked due to being overshadowed by her mistress?

Well- if the title of this blog post hasn't given it away yet- there was and her name is Hagar. The events of her life help us to understand:

  • Why we run from our calling in the first place (the root cause)

  • How to stop it so that we can come out of rebellion and live up to our God-given purpose- all of which I shared in the live video below