Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on How to Dial Down Toxicity in your Life

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Last week we talked about Jesus’ donkey and what she teaches us about how to overcome the insecurities that keep us from getting more visible

Remember that, sis?

Today, I will give you the practical steps for how to do this

As mentioned in last week’s post, a big part of letting go of insecurity is:

  • Loosing ourselves from other people’s opinion of us

  • Emancipating ourselves from mental slavery (Bob Marley)

Because it all comes down to mindset

Simply put- typically, people tend to magnify their perceived flaws and insecurities while minimising their positive attributes and achievements thus far. When this way of thinking becomes a habit it leads to a toxic mindset as well as toxic behaviour patterns. This is something that depletes confidence, which can then ultimately negatively affect our quality of life, ability to move forward and walk in our purpose. To overcome this- whether for visibility or life in general-

I advocate this simple 3-step exercise:

#1 Confront your inner critic
The tendency, when putting ourselves down mentally, is to make sweeping statements such as "I always do x" or "I never do y". When you catch yourself doing this, ask yourself questions such as "is it true that I always do x?" "Do I really never do y?"

#2 Interrupt the negative thought patterns
This means answering those questions by recalling instances where this has not been the case, thus flooding your mind with more positive; productive thought patterns.

#3 Be solution focused
Now that your thoughts have become more positive, ride that wave and use it to your advantage! Figure out what contributed to those past successes (with "x and y") so that you can begin to implement them more consciously into your daily routine from now on.

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