Why you need to overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back from PR success

Did you know that this year's Women's History Month theme is: "Women providing healing, promoting hope"?

Well, according to The National Women's History Alliance, it is!

In honour of that, I will be spending this month talking about healing as it relates to PR success

Because the truth is:

I can give you my whole winning formula to pitching the media so that you can get more visible, attract your ideal clients and get paid what you want, but- in the words of Lauryn Hill- "How you gone win if you ain't right within?" In other words...

You can set PR goals based on the legacy and impact that you want to make in the world all you want...

You can have access to the exact blueprint that you need to achieve it, but...

If you don't believe that you can and will succeed, it will become a self-fulfilling prophesy

This is because, as some of my favourite quotes (and illustrations of this concept) say:

You become what you think about" (Earl Nightingale)

"We go in the direction of our beliefs" (Robin Sharma)

"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7)

With that in mind, I want to pose this question to you: what are the limiting beliefs holding you back from PR success?

Is it fear of success? Fear of failure? Lack of confidence?

Whatever it is, I want you to grab a pen, paper or your journal and write a list of all the things that come to mind

Next week we will discuss what to do next