
Lessons from Sarah on how to manifest God's promises

Lessons from Sarah on how to manifest God's promises

If your upbringing was anything like mine, lovely, you probably grew up singing the old and well-known hymn “Standing on the Promises of God” (and still do!)

It’s a phrase that we hear a lot even outside of the song, right?

“I’m standing on God’s promises”

“Having done all to stand, continue to stand”

But how do we go from the standing (trusting and believing that it will come to pass) phase to the manifesting (living the dream) phase? In other words, how do we do like Sarah eventually did and give birth to our God-given promise(s)/vision?

Well, the answer lies in the following 3 words and phrases:

  1. Delay is not the same as denial (so you must know what to do during your waiting period)

  2. Your mistakes do not negate your promise

  3. Faith

all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.