promote yourself

lessons from esther on why you shouldn’t feel bad about promoting yourself

lessons from esther on why you shouldn’t feel bad about promoting yourself

Within my Facebook group, Women of Influence, we have weekly expert interviews

We also discuss all things netowrking and PR here.

One of my favourite ways to end the interviews is by asking guests who their favourite woman of the Bible is and why

And whilst I’ve had a variety of facinating answers and testimonies…

Esther, without a doubt, takes the crown for the one that gets named the most

The scripute that’s most synonymous with her? “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Found in Esther 4:14

A rallying cry that came from her uncle, Mordecai, to encourage Esther to use her power, privelage and position in service of her people

A word that not only confronted Esther with her significance and purpose but confronts us with our own because…

It also let’s us know that: