Lessons from Esther on how to get on the radar of influencers in your industry/niche

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There are some seats at the table that you have to be invited to rather than create yourself

This is known as vertical networking. For example, Esther would not have been able to get her audience with the king and save her people if she hadn’t first gotten on his radar as described in Esther 5:1-2:

“Now it happened on the third day [of her fast] that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace, across from the king’s house, while the king sat on his royal throne... So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favour in his sight, and… Esther went near [to speak to him]”

But how do we get close enough to the influencers within our industries to get on their radars in this new digital age?

How do we get to their inner courts, so to speak?

By being an asset to them and/or they’re community through:

#1 Social Media

Build and maintain relationships with influencers by liking, sharing and/or leaving meaningful comments on their posts. Meaningful comments can include:

  • An emoji or gif if that’s what they’ve asked you to leave in the comments

  • A phrase or hashtag as above

  • The line that stuck out to you the most from their caption and why

  • What their caption taught you

  • Why their caption is confirmation of a thought/discussion that you may have recently had

  • How their caption speaks to your current situation in life and/or business

  • A compliment re what you like about the picture they shared

  • A simple “thank you” for sharing and so on

#2 Facebook Groups

By becoming a member of one of the influencer’s groups (free or paid), you can become an asset to the other members and them as the host. How? The same way that we talked about with social media posts, sis! Plus, answering relevant calls for:

  • Collaboration

  • Recommendations

  • Feedback

Or also answering questions/responding to polls

#3 Emails

Join the influencer’s mailing list and reply to their emails per the suggestions in points #1 and #2

#4 PR/media features

You can leave meaningful comments on the articles of influencers that you’d like to connect with and/or vote their contribution higher up the article’s list, if it’s the kind or article that allows you to upvote.

Want more visibility tips? There’s loads more where those came from, sis!

So click the button below to get the FREE PDF that reveals 7 juicy secrets to building and leveraging profitable relationships (without even having to leave your bed) straight into your inbox now!