Why you shouldn't wait till January 1st to strategise

Towards the end of last month I had the pleasure of spending the weekend away at a spa. Not only did I take advantage of the amenities with a pedicure, massage, facial and great meals- I slept, I rested, I prayed and I journaled.

When it came to thinking about my business, I asked myself 3 simple questions and journaled my responses:

1) What went well this year?

2) What are the areas that I need to develop in?

3) What actions do I need to put in place to build on what went well and make changes in the areas that didn't?

I feel like ever since I asked myself those questions, it's lit a fire under my ass! I've had my head down putting the necessary systems in place to continue excelling in the areas that I do well in and overcoming the areas that I don't (which, for me, has meant building a team around me in order to start delegating).

Like I said, this whole process has taken about a month. Can you imagine if I'd waited till January 1st to do it though, sis? I wouldn't really be getting started on my goals and dreams for the new year until February! Instead, I'm not just concentrating on finishing this year strong, I know that what I do now will also act as a launchpad and set me up for success throughout next year too.

I say all of this to say, that I really recommend that you do the same. As I've said before PR success requires starting with your end goal in mind. You may not be able to go away, for whatever reason, but just spend some time with yourself this week and ask yourself those same 3 questions to get clear on what your end goal for next year is. We'll talk about more about how this will inform your PR strategy next week.

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