How to set yourself up for PR success

A few months ago I shared the following post:

It was inspired by a conversation that I had with a loved one who was struggling to connect with the Bible and therefore God. Let's call her "Grace".

After speaking to Grace recently (a few weeks ago to be exact) I discovered that she was still feeling just as stuck and demotivated in her relationship with God as when I originally spoke to her. This, despite me giving her the exact strategy that makes the Word come alive for me.

This is someone that I speak to on a daily basis; so, since then, I make sure to slip those questions into our conversations. What this has caused is:

#1 Accountability

Knowing that I will be checking in on her progress has caused Grace to keep up with her daily questions, rather than letting herself off the hook or self-sabotaging by getting too "busy" doing other things.

#2 Increased confidence

Part of the trouble that Grace was having answering the questions that I gave her was that she was doubting the validity of her answers and interpretations. In other words, it wasn't that she didn't have any valid thoughts on the passages of scripture that she was reading...she just didn't trust that they were "right". Meanwhile, I have enjoyed hearing her perspective on scripture and found our talks really nourishing. According to her, hearing me say that has increased her confidence and therefore her ability to implement the strategy.

#3 Progress

One of the things that Grace shared has been helpful for her has been "not reading the Bible like a novel" and actually looking for the ways that it can and does apply to her and her life experiences. This has resulted in her being able to personalise what she has been reading, internalise it and therefore feel closer to God. As such, she reports feeling less down on herself, happier, more at peace, more impactful at work at more!

You may be wondering what this has to do with setting yourself up for PR success? And the answer is "everything!" because, like Grace, you have access to my strategies for PR through my blog, weekly emails, social media posts and more- yet you might have found that you've been:

  • Having trouble applying them to you and your business

  • Discounting the value and validity of your voice

  • In need of a sounding board and strategy to help you to get the many ideas swirling around in your head out

  • Self- sabotaging and not leaning into to truly being visible in your vision for maximum impact and so on

If that's you, I want you to know that I've been busy behind the scenes creating an exclusive step by step session that will give you media success without the overwhelm, time commitment or generic feel of other one-size fits all programmes.

All will be revealed this Friday; so keep your eyes peeled for this intimate VIP consultation that will take you from hidden gem to household name even if you're starting your PR journey from scratch!