How to leverage your current content for PR success

I always say that when I was a little girl I was a hybrid between girly girl and tomboy. Like on one hand, I adored Disney, dressing up and playing with my Barbies. Yet on the other hand, I loved WWE wrestling, got hurt climbing things or jumping off them all the time and adored superhero cartoons like Spiderman, Xmen and more.

Not much has changed as an adult either and I love that Disney+ literally allows me to satisfy both sides of me. Like, all my favourite Disney princesses and Marvel movies all in the same place? Yes please!

My favourite thing about both types of movies is seeing how the heroes in these stories came to be (their origin stories). Do you know who else loves a good origin story? Podcast, radio and conference hosts. So much so that "how did you first get started in business?" (or a variation of it) is always asked in interviews.

If you're anything like me, your business started as something that you did naturally for yourself that people:

  • Saw that you had a talent for

  • Hated doing/could not do for themselves

  • Were willing to pay you to do for them or coach them through so that they could learn to do it too

and then it just grew and evolved from there.

Well the same is true for PR, sis. If you haven't had any media features (yet) that you can reference when pitching, don't be discouraged or scared to put yourself out there. Either start content marketing on your own platform or, if you already have a content marketing strategy, lean into it. That way, in the beginning stages of your PR journey, you'll have something that acts as a body of work and demonstrates your authority, credibility and expertise even if you've never been featured anywhere else before.

As the Taoist proverb says, "each journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". In other words, all you need is one editor, host or influencer to say "yes" to your pitch and it will grow and evolve from there- just like it did from the first client/customer to pay you up till now.

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