Lessons from Miriam on How to be a Woman of Influence

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When you hear the word “influencer,” sis, what comes to mind?

Is it:

  • Someone who travels to beautiful countries and takes gorgeous pictures?

  • Is it someone who has 10.5 million followers on social media and/or their email list?

  • Is it someone with multiple brand deals?

  • Is it someone who’s always seen to be rubbing shoulders with mainstream celebrities and/or those within your industry?

If that’s what comes to mind, I can’t say that I blame you, because that is what most people mean when they use the word “influencer” nowadays. Here’s the thing, though-

Despite the images of influence that we’re often bombarded with, it’s actually a huge responsibility

I mean…

The definition of influence tells us so!

For example, it means “The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behaviour, opinion etc of another or others”

This then lets us know that if you want to be a woman of influence you must:

#1 Stand for something/have a cause

If influence means “The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behaviour, opinion etc of another or others,” the question then becomes:

  • How do you want to affect or impact others?

  • What are you leading others to?

Your mission, purpose and core values (brand) will help you to be intentional with how you achieve this, and communicate it with ease.

#2 Be a thought leader

Miriam (Moses’ sister) taught us in last week’s post that thought leadership is “a person…that is a recognised authority in a particular field and whose innovative ideas influence and guide others”. As mentioned above, you can’t influence and guide others without communicating your thoughts (or values) with them. In other words, you can’t be an influencer without being a thought leader and you can’t be a thought leader without being visible.

#3 Have a process

Since influence is an “action or process,” it shows that you must have systems in place to share your core values and your thought leadership. The best system for doing this is relationship building. For example, in your everyday life, whose advice are you more likely to take?

  1. Your closest friend’s?

  2. An acquaintance’s?

  3. A stranger’s?

More than likely it’s 1, right? Because they’ve invested in you over a long period of time, thus building the know, like and trust factor needed to be a trusted authority in your life. Well, the same is true in business, sis! You don’t get to influence people to take on your core values, join your cause or buy from you if you haven’t deposited (enough) into them over time. This is why consistently building profitable relationships through networking and PR is so important!

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