Why the skills and experience that you already have are enough for PR success

"If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it, and if you want to master something, then teach it."  (Yogi Bhajan)

This quote from my current favourite book, The Diary of a CEO (by Steven Bartlett), essentially means that “the ability to simplify and successfully share an idea with others is both the path to understanding it and the proof that you do”. When we apply this way of thinking, it's then safe to say that I'm an expert in my field and so is every business owner who shares helpful information with their clients one-to-one, through content marketing on blogs, social media, or any other medium. 

You’re probably reading this and wondering why I’m sharing this. Well, I often find that when I talk to entrepreneurs about pitching the media, I get responses like, "Nina, I can’t because I don’t feel like I’ve arrived” or “I don’t know enough yet” or “I’m no expert, why would people want to listen to me?”.  

I disagree with this, and so does Bhajan. You’re already a master. You’re already an expert in your field and you’re more than ready to do a podcast interview, write an article, be part of a thought leadership panel or anything else that tickles your fancy. That’s because you’ve done it before. You've written informative blog posts, created social media posts, and provided coaching and training for your clients. The only difference with PR is it's on a larger scale because it extends beyond your platform(s).

So, take that leap, stop playing small, and say yes to PR opportunities because more people want to learn from you just like they did Kathy, who said:

I got a feature in Thrive Global for their #SHEROproject. This set off a series of events:

  • I get to be the freaking HONOREE at a red carpet gala in Las Vegas this winter, where I’ll get interviewed on TV and get to schmooze with celebrity guests

  • A DC/Marvel comic illustrator is illustrating ME and other Thrive Global SHEROs into real-life heroes, and we get showcased on a beautiful poster

  • I get to sign posters at MEGACON Orlando this Spring (one of the biggest Comicon where some major celebrities will be in attendance!)

>>How freaking COOL is this?!<<

At the gala, I get to share my story with other women who are walking in shoes that I walked all those years ago…

A huge thank you goes to Nina Dafe…who is selfless and such a great connector. She is the one who nudged me on this opportunity and it has created so many [more] as a result

Ready to scale with PR too?

Applications for Media Magic are now open!

Some highlights of what to expect over this 5 day (4 night) retreat include:

  • Uncovering what you need to know about PR so that you can get more visible, be seen as the expert, attract your dream clients and get paid what you want

  • Getting insider strategies on how to reach out to media gatekeepers —  and actually get a response

  • Walking away with behind the-scenes insights on how to be visible without spinning your wheels on social media or fighting the algorithm

  • A rinse and repeat customisable system with plug-and-play templates, swipe copy, scripts, a bespoke PR plan for you and your business and more so that you can continue to easily and quickly pitch the media once the retreat is done.