Why relationships are key for PR success

On Wednesday 12th January my article on the 5 common toxic cultural beliefs that are holding us back in business went live on Black Ballad. 2 days later, I received the email below:

The interview took place on the 11th February and I loved every single moment of it! But it never would have come to pass if I didn't have a pre-existing relationship with the platform.

Come to think of it, none of this would have been possible without an amazing group of women within my network

Eunice, who sent me the message below introducing me to Black Ballad in the first place

And Tiwa, Eleanor, Amanda, Michelle and Okiemute who accepted my invite to take part in the interviews that contributed to the article (see below).

This is also how I've gotten some of my major PR opportunities in the past

Invites from friends for virtual summits, international speaking gigs, articles and podcasts/radio interviews. All of this to say that-

In the same way that people only do business with people that they know, like and trust- people only expose people that they know, like and trust to their audience

That's why, this love season, it's important to invest in relationships of all kind especially when it comes to PR