How to be a vessel of honour

In last week’s musings, I mentioned that 2nd Timothy 2:21 calls us “vessels of honour”

Click here if you missed that post, sis!

In light of the scripture above, it's something that we just tend to throw around as believers but I really wanted to know- What does it actually mean to be a vessel?

Here’s what I discovered:

#1 Vessels hold things

As in the case of cups or containers, like the widow in 2nd Kings 4:1-7 used, they literally have their contents poured or placed inside them. Once this occurs, these vessels house their contents and keep them safe until we're ready to draw them out again- and we are the same. God has bestowed us with gifts such as our personalities, intellect, skills and talents. We are vessels of these things whose purpose is to house them and keep them safe, as stewards, ready to pour them out for God's glory as and when He directs.

#2 Vessels usually have a set purpose

For example, you wouldn't put oil into a toolbox or tools in a toy box. This is because vessels usually have a set assignment or thing that they are designed for. Not only are vessels designed for a specific purpose and need, they are also used to serve specific kinds of people. For example, cups are used by thirsty people, toy boxes are used by children and toolboxes are used by handy people. This shows us that, if God calls us vessels, it means that we also have a purpose. The way that He designed us and the "content" that we carry is no accident or mistake. He gave us our personalities, intellect, skills and talent to fulfil a set purpose and fill a specific need for a particular group of people. It is up to you to enquire of the Lord what your gifts are and who He has called you to serve, if you don't already know.

#3 Vessels are used to transport their contents

Another thing that I mentioned last week is that the widow in 2nd Kings 4:1-7 “literally took empty vessels, poured oil into them until they were full and then distributed the oil for profit”. Distribution/transport is something that ships and veins (also called vessels) do too. For example, ships tend to be used to transport cargo and our veins circulate blood through the body. This also illustrates the point that once we have identified our purpose (in terms of what our gifts are and where they are best applied), it is our job- as vessels of God- to distribute them and give them out to the relevant people (i.e. our niche) in accordance with the call of God for our lives. It is in this way that we become “a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work” just like the widow.