How to make and automate your freebie

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As discussed last week, freebies are really important for PR success. 5 tools that I use to make and automate freebies are:

#1 Previous content

Whether creating freebies for myself or my clients, one the things that I do to collapse timeframes is take existing content and turn it into a freebie. For example:

A) The Automatic Media Attractor

My current freebie (The Automatic Media Attractor on my home page) is actually a tool that I use to audit my client's websites when they first reach out to me for done-for-you PR services. It lets me know whether they have all the foundational things in place to start their PR journey and, if not, what steps we need to put in place to fill in those gaps.

B) The Culturally Conscious Resolution Roadmap

I recently copywrote The Culturally Conscious Resolution Roadmap for my client, Kendra, based on her signature system which allows organisations (and the individuals within it) to foster a culturally aware and conscious environment so that they can navigate conflict and differences in 4 simple steps. This tool is literally repurposed content from her soon to be released book.

#2 Graphic designer

I recently shared this post about delegation on social media:

For me, graphic design literally ticks all 3 boxes; so I delegate the prettying up and presentation of my copy (and my clients') to my girl, Lindi, who hails from South Africa because she:

  • Has been doing her thing for years

  • Is an expert in her field with international clients such as Harvard (yes, THAT Harvard)

  • Makes everything that I put before her beautiful

so that I can focus on my zone of genius

#3 Content Management System (CMS)

For me and my clients our CMS is our website- our digital headquarters, place that houses content (such as our blog posts, podcasts and so on) and our freebie opt-in/landing pages (which tell leads how the freebie solves their problem and allows them to sign up to receive it). The CMS that I use for my personal website and all my opt-in/landing pages is Squarespace.

#4 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Your CRM is the software that you use to:

  • Store all of the data (names and email address) of the people that join your email list in exchange for receiving your freebie

  • Deliver your freebie

  • Keep in contact even after the freebie has been delivered to build the know, like and trust factor that is so important for getting people to ultimately buy from you.

My CRM of choice is Convertkit.

#5 Zapier

Can you imagine constantly having to check your CRM for new leads and send your freebie to them manually? Bearing in mind that if your brand is global or that's what you're aiming for, you'll have to be available for people in different time zones! That's why automation of this whole process is so necessary, sis. Zapier is the software that I use to automate to do this.