How to leverage your network for PR success

I always feel blessed and honoured whenever I have the opportunity to share my story in publications like Addicted to Success and Black Ballad. But, what brings me greater joy is the opportunity to share how I’ve done it with women like yourself

So, keep reading to learn how to get your foot in the door and, ultimately, be a consistent feature in major publications

SPOILER ALERT: the secret to your success is something you already possess because...

According to Sharon L. Lechter & Dr. Greg S. Reid, authors of Three Feet From Gold: Turn Your Obstacles Into Opportunities:

((P+T) x A x A) + F = Your Success Equation

"In other words, combine Passion (P), something that makes your heart sing, with Talent (T), something in which you excel. Then multiply that sum by the right Association (A), successful people and organisations, and Action (A), concrete steps you can take toward your goal. Add Faith (F), the unwavering belief in yourself, to that total and you will have your own unique Success Equation"

I couldn’t agree more with this equation because I’m living proof

I’ve successfully pitched the media and had articles featured in publications because I have something valuable to share - my skills and expertise, or what Sharon L. Lectcher & Dr. Greg S. Reid call talent.

You also have talent, something you excel in, and the world is ready to hear what you have to say

When pitching to media or whenever you wonder why anyone would be interested in hearing your story, remember that you are an expert in your field with valuable information that can change someone’s life.

While I’d like to take all the credit (lol), my PR success has been and continues to be a collective effort

I wouldn’t have the opportunities I’ve had or even been able to write some of the articles I’ve written without the help of other successful people

For example, I recently shared 4 Steps To Create Epic Content According to Stan Lee on Addicted to Success, and honestly, I couldn’t have done it without Caitlin Bell (psychologist and copywriter)'s insight and expertise on the psychology behind storytelling (and many others)

As Sharon L. Lectcher & Dr. Greg S. Reid identified in their equation, Association has contributed to my success

I say all of that to say, if you want (greater) PR success in 2024:

#1 Reach out to people and ask for help, advice, or expert insights to increase your chances of getting featured in publications

Building and maintaining relationships with associates and organisations will ensure that you don’t just get your foot in the door but that you’re fully in the room and everyone knows you are there

#2 Do such a great job, once they do feature you, that they keep coming back to you for more
Platform editors and influencers are also looking for the right associates. Show them that you're someone that you can trust and they will continue to refer back to you as a trusted expert for future projects. Ask me how I know