Goal setting? Don't forget this key step for PR success

We’re only 21 days from 2024, and IT’S TIMMMMMMME (in my Mariah Carey voice) to set our goals for the brand-new year.

Reflecting on 2023 and the goals I’d set for myself, I know there’s one thing that kept me going regardless of the challenges life threw at me along the way.

So, if you are currently setting life, business or PR goals, here's the key to helping you to accomplish them:

Let me start by keeping it real, life be lifing!

There are so many external stressors, distractions, and forces that can derail even the most well-intentioned person from accomplishing their goals.

This is why, despite what we’re commonly told, simply setting your goals or having a clear vision for what you want for 2024 isn’t enough to keep you on track.

As such, as you set your goals or create that vision board, consider the WHY behind every goal.

Doing this will keep you going and serve as your north star,

It will also keep you on track, even during life's difficult seasons.- ultimately helping you to succeed