How to find your why and achieve your PR goals

Last week we talked about the fact that despite what we’re commonly told, simply setting your goals or having a clear vision for what you want for 2024 isn’t enough to keep you on track

Remember that,? If not, will you check that post out here?

Which is why as you set your goals or create that vision board, it's important to consider the why behind every goal

Not sure how?

The 5 WHYS Technique is one of my favourite journaling prompts because it has helped me and my clients stay consistent and accountable with achieving our goals - even when motivation runs a little dry

So, whether you want to start or grow your business, get PR success, or travel the world - the 5 WHYS technique can help you identify the core reason behind your aspirations. What’s great is that it’s super simple. Just grab a pen and notebook and ask yourself why you want to achieve a particular goal. Ask yourself this question 5 times to get to the core why.

Here's an example of how that works in practice...

Say, for instance, you want to achieve PR success in 2024, but you're afraid to pitch yourself. Ask yourself why this is 5 times to get down to the root cause of your fear. For example, maybe you're afraid to pitch the media because you have a fear of rejection, and this is a fear that stems from something that happened in your childhood. Now that you’ve identified the core why behind your fear or limiting belief, you can start questioning it. Are you still that little girl? Have you been able to deal with rejection in your adult life? Once you come face-to-face with your limiting beliefs, you can move past them and start moving towards achieving your goals

If you have struggled with seeing your goals through this year, I hope this has helped you find the why that’ll keep you chasing your goals next year

Here’s to finding your why and achieving your goals in 2024 and beyond!