How to write a media bio

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So, in last week’s post, we discussed the importance of a media bio for helping you to demonstrate your expertise, experience and why editors would be mad to not accept your work. If you're wondering what goes into one or what my process is when copywriting media one-sheets for clients, look no further than the 5 components below:

#1 Tag line

As recently discussed, a tag line is “a phrase or catchword that becomes identified or associated with a person, group, product etc through repetition”. Don't have one? You can build your own short, punchy and impactful tag line using the steps outlined in my recently published Thrive Global article: "How to Create a Magnetic Tag Line"

#2 Main body

As suggested by it's title, the main body is the meat and potatoes of your media bio. This is your space to shine and should include your:

  • Title

  • Qualifications

  • Mission/vision

  • Previous PR

  • People of note that you've worked with

  • Brands or organisations of note that you've worked with

#3 Expert topics

Your expert topics are exactly what it says on the tin. They are the topics that you have the most expertise/experience in and so are the most qualified to discuss. These are also the problems that your ideal clients actually come to you to help solve and what you want to be known for.

#4 Contact details

e.g. your email address and social media handles

#5 Media banner

This is a graphic that showcases the platforms that you have appeared in and/or brands that you have collaborated with by displaying their logos.

Want more PR tips?

Well, sis, I've given you everything that you need within The Media Attraction Audit- the checklist that helps you to make sure that your website proves your expertise, credibility and authority so that you can get more visible, attract your dream clients and get paid what you want. Click here for access!