How prayer drives PR success

I come from at least 3 generations of dreamers on my mum’s side. My grandma was a dreamer, mum is and so am I in that our dreams tend to be meaningful and/or prophetic.

In November 2016, I went to bed one Saturday night and woke up on Sunday to the sound of my friend and “big brother,” Daryl, calling me. As soon as he asked how I was, I said “I think God wants me to start a blog”.

I don’t remember all the details of the dream now, but I remember that I felt that I should be interviewing other Christian women to get their views on their favourite women of the Bible and so on in order to dismantle traditional norms around womanhood. Why? Because I saw a Human’s of New York style platform in my dream very vividly and I remembered every detail at the time- which is usually a sign that my dream means something or is about to come true.

Voicing that out loud is what led me to actually beginning the process of launching my platform because Daryl, also being spiritual’s, response was “Well, I don’t know why you’re still on the phone to me. Get started and don’t call me back unless you’ve got results”. Knowing that he was deadly serious and that he’d cuss me out if I didn’t make a move, I got to work. A year later I launched the blog that led me down the path of PR.

I say all of this to say, success (PR or otherwise) is really two-fold. It’s:

  1. Spiritual in terms of believing that you were created to make an impact and that your gifts will make room for you (or create a platform for you)

  2. Practical in terms of the fact that you have to add actions to your beliefs in order to manifest your dreams/vision of creating said impact

One of the ways that I am able to do this is through prayer. You can listen in on my conversation with my girl, Deanna Mason (of Refreshed Moms Podcast), as we discuss how in addition to how:

  • We’ve managed to complicate prayer in certain seasons of our lives

  • We’ve switched to doing all we can to make it as simple as possible in order to prioritise it everyday

  • And more!