How networking leads to PR success

In the last week of August, I had the awesome pleasure of going to Panama with The Christian Travel Club

It was such an amazing experience with a great group of people in an amazing country, as shown below:

Whilst there, I had the opportunity to attend a small mastermind breakfast with Anthony O’neal

In case you’re unfamiliar with him, he’s a former Dave Ramsey personality and host of The Table. He’s also the guy with the mic in the video above.

During the mastermind I witnessed something which was a great reminder of why networking is so important and how, if heeded, could lead to PR opportunities for you too…

Long story short, after he had finished answering our questions and imparting his wisdom, Anthony went round the table asking us all our names and what we do.

When it came to my girl Cookie (who incidentally is also responsible for me coming out of my 9 month social media hiatus), she let him know that she helps people to increase their income by setting up their Amazon stores for them.

Upon hearing that, Anthony perked up and started asking her more questions. By the end of their conversation, he gave her an invite to be on his show- something that has the potential to allow her to get more visible, attract her dream clients and get paid what she wants.

All of that from being in the right place, with the right person(s) at the right time- something that I have also personally been able to leverage.

Want to know how you can do it too? Click here for 5 ways to make the most of an in-person networking event!