3 tools for overcoming limiting beliefs holding you back from PR success

Last week I mentioned that one of the common mistakes that people make, when it comes to mindset work, is thinking that it's a one-time thing

This is because, in the same way that real gardens need maintenance to ensure that weeds don't get out of hand, so do our minds

I also promised that I would give you some of the tips and tricks that I like to use for renewing my mind on a regular basis and that you can too

So here they are:

#1 Journaling

As mentioned in a recent post, once you become aware of your limiting beliefs, Amanda Bakare (Cognitive Behaviour Therapist) recommends that you "first of all, start by understanding what is it that you are fearful of" and why:

"So [if one of your fears around PR is] I don't like speaking in front of people... [ask yourself] why is that? [You might respond,] 'I just don't like people looking at me'. Well, what is it about people looking at you that concerns you? [You might then say] 'They might think X, Y, and Z about me'. [You would then probe deeper by asking yourself] 'Why does that concern you?'. So you [basically] dig and dig and dig and you find out what the real fear is. It's never just speaking in front of people. There's always something more that you're fearful of".

To do this, I tend to use “the 5 whys” technique when journaling

#2 Mentoring

One of the biggest tools that I use for unlearning limiting belief systems and developing ones that serve me better is mentoring i.e. finding someone that has achieved what I want to and learning from them so that I can do it too. My favourite ways of doing this are investing in:

  • Coaching

  • Books

  • Courses

  • Challenges

  • Membership programmes

  • Masterminds

I also love:

  • Listening to podcasts

  • Watching sermons/reading the Bible

  • Watching inspiring interviews

  • Attending talks/summits (virtually and in-person)

#3 Prayer and Affirmations

Another way that I like to shed limiting beliefs systems is simply by asking God to help me do so in prayer. Aside from prayer, I like to use affirmations because the Bible shares on numerous occasions about the power of our words (and it's ability to influence our lives for good or bad). As such, I like to write Biblical affirmations and use them in 3 simple ways.

Which of these will you incorporate into your everyday routine to help you shed your limiting beliefs and create new ones?