What Tetris taught me about PR Success

One of the things that I like to do to de-stress is play Tetris.

For ages my high score was in the high 6000s and I spent ages trying to beat it until one day I stopped and just went back to playing for pleasure.

A few days ago, I opened up the game to play it again and had to laugh. My new high score was 7032 and I had absolutely no idea when I'd done it!

I think that this is what God means when He talks about things happening "suddenly". Our suddenlies are really borne out of having the will and desire to bring things to pass and use the right attitude, mindset, habits, systems and so on to do so.

If you've got all of these things in place, be encouraged. It's not a matter of whether you will be successful but when.

PS) What do you do to de-stress?