How to show up authentically

According to Ibinye Olayide (Marriage and Family Therapist):

“It’s important to show up authentically so that genuine intimacy [can be shared]. Intimacy helps people feel safe, share their struggles and their joys and develop a deep level of closeness. When we do not show up authentically…the level of closeness [within a relationship] will be limited”.

These principles are also true as it relates to cultivating a community around your brand or business because, as the old adage says, people will only do business with people that they know, like and trust.

But how do we go about achieving this?

Sheryl Lee Ralph’s recent Ted talk is a masterclass on exactly what it takes to show up authentically as it relates to her:

  1. Personal styling

  2. Brand story

  3. Use of language

  4. Unique Selling Point (USP)

You can read all about it (and how you can implement) in my recent Addicted2Success article!