5 things to stop doing today for PR success

What if I told you that the only thing(s) standing between you and your PR success were 5 common mistakes? When I look back at my journey with PR, it’s a mix of great and not-so-great decisions. But that’s how we learn, right? So, lean in and keep reading to learn about what you should stop doing in order to get the PR success you want. 

#1 Stop doubting yourself

There is a saying that goes: “as a man thinketh, so is he”. The fact of the matter is if you don't actually believe that you can have PR success and that you have something worth sharing, then that will be your reality. The person who believes that they can and the person who believes that they can't are both right. So, start challenging your limiting beliefs and that voice of self-doubt in your head. 

#2 Stop overcomplicating your brand 

What’s your business's value proposition? Can you describe it in a short sentence? If not, this might be evident to an editor or influencer who visits your website or sees your social media page. If your branding is confusing, or people can’t easily figure out what your product or service is, then they just won’t be interested in featuring you in an article or interviewing you for a podcast because a confused mind says no. 

#3 Stop being uninformed 

Maybe the hurdle to your PR success is that you simply don’t know where to start or even how to start. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start, it just means you should start learning. You can do this through research, reaching out to your network, or sending an email or DM to that person you look up to. I’ve done this many times and it works! People are always eager to share and help, so stop trying to figure it out on your own. 

#4 Stop being inconsistent 

So, you’ve gotten to this part and you’re thinking to yourself: “I believe in myself, I have clear and solid branding, and I know PR like the back of my hand. But why am I still not getting the PR success I want?” Well, are you consistently doing interviews, writing features for online platforms and so on? Constantly and consistently engaging with your community is how you’ll grow steadily over time. Never stop putting yourself out there. 

#5 Stop being afraid of following up 

The biggest part of successful PR is other people. You need an editor or podcast host to say yes to you. But getting a no or complete silence after sending a beautifully written pitch for an interview is just how it goes sometimes. This doesn’t mean you should give up, especially on those unanswered emails. Keep reaching out and don’t be afraid to follow up. It doesn’t make you look thirsty or desperate. There are a lot of editors and influencers out there who are actually really, really busy. And so sometimes things slip through the net. I've actually been thanked for following up before. And if you know how to do it right and in a way that's not belligerent, then you can also achieve those positive results and get your stuff out there.