Why Creating a Company Culture is so important for PR Success

What’s your favourite movie? If you’re anything like me, you know it like the back of your hand and can literally recite the words to it. Perhaps your favourite movie is even so universally loved that it’s considered a ‘cult classic,’ deriving from its loyal following? As in the film industry, the underlying concept of any devoted following is simply that it’s fans have a shared value system, vision and mission. They then ultimately come together to explore and express those areas of familiarity.

The reality of this in business is that every successful business has one. That customer loyalty and, dare I say, obsession with a brand is what helps to sustain and continue to (organically) grow a business. Apple, Starbucks and Tesla are just a few examples of this because they are major brands that people love and almost seem unable to live without. Developing a following like this needs to be a top priority strategy for every business, in order to be acknowledged and have supporters who will market on your behalf – whether that be by word of mouth, social media or indeed PR. That’s why I’m super excited to share my client Marlyne Pierce’s most recent article, where she gives you the exact steps that need to be taken to create a strong culture for your business. Click here for access!